Peace be unto you, I just received some troubling news. My son and his mother both contracted Covid-19... I just learned that my children's mother has been on a ventilator and in a coma for the last five-days. The hospital said they only leave people on a ventilator for two weeks. Right now the ventilator is doing 80% of the work her lungs should be doing...the goal is for the ventilator to do 50% or less...but she has improved, because our the ventilator was doing 100% when she went into the coma. LIFELINES FOR MCI IS HEARTBROKEN TO HAVE TO REMOVE THESE NAMES TO PROTECT CONFIDENTIALITY
Her name is [___] (48 years old). Our children's names are: [___] (17); [___] (19); [___] (24); [___] (26); and [___] (28). It is believed our [17-year-old] son caught it first and brought it home to his mother so he is taking it really hard right now and not talking to anyone. I would ask that everyone pray that her health be restored and her life be spared at least long enough for me--or someone-to minister the gospel to her...when I was out we went to church but my [26-year-old] daughter and I are the only "believers". I believe this, because once I came to prison [my daughter] would tell me about how the others would make fun of our relationship-and our belief in God...and when say "the others" I mean everyone from [my children's mother] on down. But I've read in God's Word how He sent prophets to pagan nations (I.e., Jonah, Amos, etc...) so I know as savage as their making fun of the things of God sounds, I'm praying that God would allow her just a little more time to be ministered to...I also pray for the salvation of our children... and the faith to endure for [my daughter] and I. I'm asking anyone who would to stand in agreement with me--in Jesus name to do so!!! Thank you.